Weaverville Fire Department Support Services
June 1, 2016 1730
Call to Order/ Welcome new members: Meeting called to order at 1735. Members present: Serena, Briana, Betty, Bonnie, Herk, Tania, Scott and Lisa.
Approve minutes May 4th meeting: M/S/C Brown/Alvord, S. to approve minutes as submitted
Officers Report:
A. President: Rose sale went well, had to sell in front of Ace Hardware, Children’s festival-WFD was a no show, SCHMRT lunch went well, Joe Morrell needs to take his freezer back.
B. Treasure’s Report: $471.31 profit made from Mother’s Day Roses
C. Logistics: No report.
Action Items:
A. July 4th pancake breakfast and open house – Sign-up sheets on board. Scott and Tania put together a self-guided tour. June 29 at 6:30 p.m. is the station clean-up day for the 4th of July events.
Committee Reports:
A. EMS Support: No Report
B. Station Maintenance: No report
C. Equipment Maintenance: No report
D. Web Technology: No report
E. Marketing: No report
Open Forum and Topics for next meeting: Relay for Life is September 10th if anyone is interested in participating, contact Serena.
Adjourn at 1749 hrs.